Application Information for 2022


  • You will need a valid email address and personal information such as ID/Passport numbers, addresses and contact numbers for the parents and/or legal guardians.
  • The documents listed below are required. Please ensure that these documents are certified, scanned and ready to be uploaded.
  • Only .pdf files are accepted. For the Applicant’s photograph, image files are also accepted. If you do not have a scanner, you can search the App/Play store for a .pdf scanner app.
  • If any of these documents are more than one page in length (e.g. a 2-page immunization card) please scan these pages into a single, 2-page .pdf.
  • Please only upload all requested documents when prompted to do so during the application process.
  • Please note that the approval of the Applicants application does not guarantee the acceptance of the Applicant.

1. A copy of the Applicant’s unabridged (full) birth certificate

This reflects the names and ID numbers of both parents.

If you do not have the new (unabridged) certificate, you must apply for an unabridged birth certificate from the Department of Home Affairs and attach this proof of application (i.e. a copy of the receipt to the old (abridged) certificate). Please ensure that you send us the new unabridged birth certificate before the Applicant starts at Westville Boys’ High School, as no Applicant may be admitted without this document.


2. A copy of the Applicant’s report

When applying for Grade 8, please submit the Applicant’s Grade 6 year-end report. If the Applicant is successful, his Grade 7 year-end report must be submitted to the School before the end of the year. When applying for Grade 9-12, we require a copy of the previous year’s December report, as well as the Applicant’s latest report available.

3. Proof of employment

Please provide proof of employment.

If self employed, please supply us with 3 months bank statement.


4. Proof of residence

Three (3) separate documents, proving residency are required.

Documents to be used as proof of physical residential address MUST be less than 3 months old, and must contain the address, initials AND the surname of the parent/guardian.

Neither a lease agreement from a Landlord nor an Affidavit is sufficient evidence of residency.

A list if valid FICA documents in your name that can be used to verify your physical residential address is detailed below. Please note that atleast three (3) of these documents are required.

  • Utility account (water, electricity, rates (front and back pages) (not older than 3 months).
  • An official Tax Return / Tax Assessment or official correspondence from SARS (not older than 1 year)
  • Vehicle finance agreement
  • Home insurance
  • Bank statement


5. A recent passport photograph of the Applicant

 This must be submitted in an image or .pdf file format. Please ensure that the photograph is passport sized (51mm x 51mm) only.


6. Proof of immunisations

Please note that the school is not allowed to accept any Applicant without proof of vaccination. Should the Applicant not be in possession of an immunisation card, an affidavit or a doctor’s letter will be accepted.


7. A copy of both Parents’/Legal Guardians identity documents

A copy of both parents identity documents is required. If a parent is deceased, a death certificate is required.

Legal Guardians who are not the biological parents of the Applicant will be required to provide convincing proof in the form of legal documentation, of the legitimacy of the guardianship.


8. Financial Clearance & Fees Statements

A financial clearance certificate will need to be completed and stamped by the Applicant’s current school. The certificate will need to be uploaded during the application process. Please click here to download the certificate.

Should any person or 3rd  party be responsible for the school fees of the Applicant, a 3rd party undertaking form will need to be completed and submitted along with a certified copy of the 3rd  parties ID document. Please click here to download the undertaking form.

A copy of your current school fee statement as well as a previous year school fee statement are required.

9Extra Mural

Extramural activities are considered an important aspect of the Applicant’s application and as a result we want to know which activities the Applicant participates in, at his current school. The Extramural Participation Document will need to be completed and stamped by the Applicant’s current school and uploaded when prompted to do so. Please click here to download the Extramural Participation Form. 

10Scholarship Applications

Applicants who meet the scholarship criteria will be able to submit a scholarship application. Applicants are encouraged to read the scholarship criteria carefully before submitting a scholarship application. Please click here for the scholarship criteria. Please click here for the scholarship application form. The scholarship application must be submitted together in the online application.

Please ensure that your scholarship application is submitted together with your admission submission. No late/standalone scholarship applications will be accepted.

11Additional documents to support the application (Optional)

Any additional documents or information (not included in 1 to 7 above) must be scanned together as a single .pdf document. Examples include academic and sporting certificates.

12. Important Admissions Information 

  • For an Applicant to be eligible for admissions he must comply with the admissions criteria as determined by the South African Schools Act.
  • The admissions process will not be initiated until all the relevant documentation has been received by the School.
  • Use of fraudulent documents and information pertinent to this application, such as age, identity, place of residence, financials, guardianship and previous academic achievement is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE. The School reserves the right to lay criminal charges and reject the application, whether or not the application has been accepted.

By completing this application for admission to the School, the Applicant and his parents accept that on such admission, the Applicant will be bound by the Code of Conduct and Rules of the School throughout the Applicant’s stay at the School. 
13. POPI Act Compliance 

  • Please note that by completing this online application, you are providing your consent for the information provided to be used for assessment of suitability and acceptance processes carried out by Westville Boys’ High School during the application process. Your information will only be used for the purposes of the admissions process, and will not be retained for any other purpose. Our system will retain the information for a period of 5 years, after which it will be deleted. Should you refuse or withhold your consent for your information to be used for these purposes, in relation to the admissions process, this will constrain the School’s ability to process your son’s application to Westville Boys’ High School.