Special accolades go to our Dux of 2013, Asil Motala, for his exceptional achievement of being placed 1st in South Africa. The announcement was made at the Department of Education National Awards function presided over by the Minister of Education, Angie Motshekga, in Sandton last night.
The national rankings are done per ‘quintile’, and WBHS is placed in Quintile 5 which covers the most affluent schools. Asil’s average mark of 98% placed him as the top candidate in the country as his average is significantly higher than those of the top ranked pupils in other quintiles.
His full list of results are as follows:
- English Home Language 94%
- Afrikaans Additional Language 98%
- Mathematics 99%
- Physical Science 99%
- Accounting 99%
- Life Sciences 96%
- Mathematics Probability and Data-handling 97%
- Life Orientation (non-exam subject) 93%
Headmaster Trevor Hall paid tribute to Asil’s exceptional achievement. He said: “Throughout his high school career, Asil has been a model pupil. His conscientious approach and ability to deal with academic pressure never faltered, but it is his insight, intuition and ability to deal with advanced concepts that gave him the edge in many of his subjects. I am grateful to him for setting the bar at such a high level as this was instrumental in influencing the academic standards of his peers, with 24 of them achieving a full set of distinctions and 54 achieving ‘A’ aggregates. Apart from attending to his own academic responsibilities, Asil served efficiently as a Student Leader and a Class Mentor. He also directed the IT Task Team most efficiently and headed up the Academic Support programme of the School, rendering valuable assistance to other pupils. He certainly deserves this great honour.”
Since being named as the country’s top pupil, Asil has received constant media attention. The School looks forward to his presence at assembly next Wednesday when he is certain to receive his well-earned Pro-Meritis blazer.