Dr Craig Blewett, current parent and WBHS Old Boy, and senior lecturer on I.T. at UKZN, captivated his audience at the World Leading Schools Association Conference this week. Representatives of the world’s top schools found it refreshing that an I.T. expert such as Craig acknowledges that the use of I.T. in our classrooms is doomed to failure without teachers first ensuring that one vital element in place – effective teaching pedagogy. Arising out of his years of research, Craig presented five practical, easy-to-apply digital-age pedagogies to transform how teachers should teach with technology in the 21st century. Through his dynamic approach, Craig ensured that his audience enjoyed a perfect lesson on how to ensure that all their pupils can become actively engaged in lessons with his Activated Classroom programme. For further information, refer to www.activatedclasssroom.com
Headmaster Trevor Hall was part of a panel discussion at the WLSA 2017 Conference on the “The African Continent: A conversation among leaders in education”. He shared the unique role WBHS plays as a top achieving school that is both diverse and seeks to assist the DoE in helping to further develop disadvantaged schools in SA. Also invited onto the panel were: Themba Maqubela, Headmaster of Groton School (USA) and Andrew Taylor, Headmaster of Maru-a-Pula School (Botswana). The discussion was moderated by Sara Mierke of the African Leadership Academy.