This year’s musical production, “Grease”, was a high-energy affair.  Made up of a large cast and crew of 80 pupils (50 boys & 30 girls), Devin Möller (Director) and Luke Holder (Musical Director) put together the most dynamic and spectacular show we have seen in the Roy Couzens’ Theatre to date. The live music and Fiona Barnes’ terrific choreography (no mean feat when dealing with adolescent boys!) made for a thoroughly entertaining show.


From his first note, Emile van Staden as Danny owned the show, demonstrating his fine acting talent. We look forward to seeing more from this talented young man on the professional stage in the years to come.


Many of the other notable performances came from pupils in Grades 9 and 10 and this bodes well for the future of drama at WBHS.


But the production wasn’t only about music, singing and dancing. Devin Möller wove the moral dilemmas that teenagers face every day into the subtext, particularly attention was given to peer-pressure, the need to belong, under-age sexual relations, the consequences of too little control and loneliness.


All 12 performances played to capacity houses.

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