Westville Old Boy of 1986, Adrian Saville has been nominated for the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Business Professor Award. There are 206 nominees from some of the world’s largest and best known business schools and Adrian is the only nominee from Africa. His qualifications include a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) (cum laude) degree and M.Com (cum laude) from the University of Natal. He completed his PhD (Economics) in 1997, for which he was awarded the Economics Society of South Africa’s Founders Medal. He is a UNESCO laureate and a matriculant of Linacre College (Oxford). He has completed programmes in value investing and competitive strategy at New York’s Columbia University and Harvard Business School in Boston. Adrian has successfully combined teaching and business over the years, having lectured at the University of the Witwatersrand, the UKZN, the University of Pretoria and the Estonian Business School. He currently holds a Visiting Professorship of Economics and Finance at the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS). In 1994, while completing his doctorate in economics, Adrian formed an investment vehicle which became the forerunner to Cannon Asset Managers where, today, he is an executive director and serves as the chief investment officer (CIO). The first round of the Economist Intelligence Unit’s competition is based on voting and the 10 Professors with the most votes globally proceed to the next round, where a panel of judges draw up a short list of four candidates who will be involved in a live teach-off in London in March 2013.