The new WBHS Aquatics Centre was officially opened on Tuesday 4 February 2014. As this massive project was the result of a financial partnership between all sectors of the school community – parents, staff, pupils and old boys, the ceremonial cutting of the ribbon was performed by five people representing those bodies – Trevor Hall (Headmaster), Chris Bruorton (Governing Body Chairman), Lyn Ploos van Amstel (Chairperson of the Educational Trust), Dieter Kriese (Chairperson of the WOB Association) and Yuric Thambiran (Head of School representing the pupils).
Headmaster Trevor Hall said: “A number of people have provided significant input to this huge project. However, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Nestor Pierides who was of great assistance to me in driving this project and the members of the Governing Body and the Educational Trust over the period 2010-2014, led by Lyn Ploos van Amstel, Shabir Chohan and Chris Bruorton for the tough decisions that had to be made. Without their courage and foresight the new WBHS Aquatics Centre would never have happened.
SGB Chairman, Chris Bruorton expressed his thanks to the sponsors – Lotto, who provided the initial impetus to the project with a donation of R800 000; Kevin Dandridge and Brett Moodie of Natal Conveyors; Dave Howells, Darrell de Wet and Craig Moolman of Illovo Sugar; Nashua, and to the signage sponsors secured by Westville Swimming Club including Shave Paints and Decor, Imana Foods SA, Unilever, Bothma Signs, Hendok, TYR and DBU Services.
Individuals and organisations that deserve credit for the quality of their direct input to the project are:
- Jim Martin and Serge Loumeau of Martin & Associates – project managers
- Russell Chappe de Leonval, Mike Metz, Reg Pennefather and Erwin Brandt and the WBHS Properties Committee – financial and overall co-ordination
- Mike Darne of Pool World – pool construction
- Brad Rowe – specialist consultant
- Matthew Symons and Jason Symons of Multi Group – earthworks
- Eddie Krause of Shepstone & Krause – power supply and lighting
- Dave Scates and Kevin Banks of Dave Scates Construction – buildings
- Dean Layden of Shonacon – paving and surrounds
- Chris Molyneux of Air Treatment Engineering – heaters
- Rob Attwell of Thutankani – stands and rollers
- Anti-Wave (Australia) – floating goals
- Gary Doveton of Dovetech – pool equipment
- Gary Ledington – electrical installations
- Erwin Seeger of L’Enigme Mobilis – pool blankets and rollers
- Kevin Hatch of Kevco – relocation and installation of pumps
- Jonathan Hall of Elphick Proome – architect
A commemorative brochure includes a full description of the details of the project. To download, please click here.