panoram pool (jarod knoetze)A large crowd witnessed fine early-season performances by Westville’s swimmers across all age-groups at the individual championship gala, thereby making the task of team selections by the WBHS coaches that much easier.

The final results were as follows:

Best Performance U14 Michael Bromfield
Junior Victor Ludorum Ruan Jansen Van Vuuren
The Perry Trophy U16 Brandon Mostert
The Youngleson Trophy U17 Tim Sates
The Senoir Victor Ludorum Daniel Ronaldson
The Hayward Trophy 200 m Daniel Ronaldson


WBHS was also pleased to host several primary schools to compete at the event. The primary school swimmers were thrilled to meet WBHS’ two Swimming legends after which our two pools are named – Chad le Clos and Chad Ho.  The primary school event as won by Westville Senior Primary, followed by Highbury,  Atholl Heights, Winston Park, Hillcrest,  Penzance, Kloof and  Sarnia.


Chad Ho and Chad le Clos together with two swimmers from Westville Senior Primary School

Chad Ho and Chad le Clos together with two swimmers from Westville Senior Primary School