Outstanding WBHS Matric results

Pictured are some of the top WBHS achievers in the NSC public exams (left to right): Asil Motala (Top Matric pupil in SA 8 A’s), Bandele Mbele (7A’s), Steffen Wies (7A’s), Hermann Tapamo (8 A’s), Gareth Kieck (9A’s), Graham Taschner (9A’s), and Dilan Koovarjee (8A’s)....

High accolades for the Matric Class of 2011

The academic achievements of WBHS Matric pupils over the School’s 57-year history are legendary, but the media focus on academic standards since the inception of the ‘new’ National Senior Certificate examination in 2008 has certainly placed a great deal of pressure on...